Make God Famous

Making God famous is at the centre of all we do. The Church exists to show the person of God to the world

Embrace Your Place

We value body ministry, believing that every person who is in the body of Christ has a part to play and a place to fit.

Engage In Mission

We unashamedly encourage all Christians to take personally and literally Jesus’s instructions to the disciples to go into all the world and make disciples, this is our mission both locally and globally.

Do Your Best

We value excellence and encourage people to do all things to the glory of God. We don’t think a half hearted approach to anything is appropriate for followers of Christ because we want our lives to reflect the excellence of our God.

Love The Word

We value the Bible, we believe it is the very word of God to man, so we make space for it in our services and we believe that it can change peoples lives.

Dream Big

We value faith and expectant living. Knowing that our God is in control and we are His children. We do not want to offend our awesome God by small thinking but rather have big dreams that honour our belief in our great God.

Pursue Encounter

God can and wants to be known, he has made a way for us to have a relationship with Him and since we believe that He is real, we expect to encounter Him. We encourage people to pursue these encounters with God.

Live Generously

We promote generous living. Being generous with our time, finances, prayers, compliments and encouragement. We feel God has been so generous to us, and we just want to reflect His character to others.